Spend a Day at the Festival Accompanied by an Artist from Berlin’s Independent Performing Arts Community

Members of Berlin’s independent performing arts community become guides during the festival who select their very own personal highlights from the broad array of festival programming and invite audience members to set off with them on a journey of discovery throughout the festival. Tours will include an average of three productions. In addition, audience members have the opportunity to talk about and discuss what they have seen and Berlin’s independent performing arts community within the group. A variety of artists invites audience members to participate in a total of 13 tours throughout the week of the festival.


Admission to the various performances is included in the ticket price of the tours. The travel between the performance venues will be conducted on public transportation. Public transportation tickets are not included in the price.

Guided Tours 2017

Guided Tour

Tour 1: The Tour of Feelings

Tour Guide: CHRISTINA ERTL-SHIRLEY Wednesday, 14.06.2017, 16:4521:00, Duration ca. 255 Min.

In this tour, we will throw ourselves into the worlds of feelings of the Berlin performance community: our first station as audience members takes us into a staged relationship conflict, where we will experience an interplay between voyeurism and vicarious embarrassment as audience members. After this, we will be confronted with the ideas of Heiner Müller in the sound installation ...

In Public Space
Guided Tour

Tour 2: Theater for the 21st Century

Guided Tour for English Speakers by DANIEL BRUNET Thursday, 15.06.2017, 16:1521:15, Duration ca. 300 Min.

Theater is both timeless and ahead of its time. Berlin is peerless in providing a profusion of postmodern, postdramatic performances. Go far beyond play-based, psychologically real theater on this tour featuring an urban audio walk, theater in public space and an inclusive theater investigation into the origins of the world with Daniel Brunet, Producing Artistic Director of English Theatre Berlin ...

In Public Space
Spoken Word Theater
Guided Tour

Tour 3: Human Beings and the World

Tour Guide: ANJA JACOBSEN Thursday, 15.06.2017, 17:1523:00, Duration ca. 345 Min.

This tour addresses the positions of human beings in the world and illuminates them from various angles with the performances attended: Shifting Perspektive (Shifting Perspectives) invites the audience to assume the position and perspectives of strangers and maintain them for the duration of the performance in public space. At Theaterdiscounter, a human being has the Welt im Rücken, or The ...

In Public Space
Guided Tour

Tour 4: Curiosity Killed the Cat

Tour Guide: STEFANIE LEINERT Thursday, 15.06.2017, 17:3022:15, Duration ca. 285 Min.

At Ballhaus Ost, we will observe BEACH BIRDS dancing to Flashdance who solves problems in the group by playing spin the bottle. In HAU 2, we will enter Die Müllermatrix, or The Müller Matrix, to find answers to questions we do not know we have. Finally, we’ll end up at Theaterhaus Mitte with Kafka on a trapeze. We will travel ...

Puppet/Object Theater
Guided Tour

Tour 5: FREEDOM – A Beautiful Word

Tour Guide: MAIKE KRAUSE Friday, 16.06.2017, 15:1521:30, Duration ca. 375 Min.

Today’s walk through the neighborhood will see you how Neukölln lives, laughs and moves. To begin, Merlin Puppet Theatre opens the doors on five different apartments, letting us look in on the comedy and tragedy that befall their inhabitants. Locked within their four walls, these bleak puppets dance the choreography of their not quite everyday madness. Following this, the PAUL ...

In Public Space
Guided Tour

Tour 6: Man! I Feel Like a Woman

Tour Guide: BERIT CARSTENS Friday, 16.06.2017, 15:4522:00, Duration ca. 375 Min.

It is my pleasure to invite you to join me in discovering the diversity of aesthetic practices used by female artist collectives and individual artists during the Berlin Performing Arts Festival. I have selected three events that deal with current images of women in the broadest sense possible using a wide variety of theatrical forms. The tour is planned so ...

Guided Tour

Tour 7: “Site-Specific” – a Tour in and Around the Building, the Social Ambience and to the Regulars’ Table

Tour Guide: ANGELA DEUTSCH Friday, 16.06.2017, 16:4522:00, Duration ca. 315 Min.

The tour begins far from the large performance venues at 4:45 pm at Kastanienallee 77. At K77 Factory, we will attend: site-specific performance pieces (15 min.) and/or moments (3 min.) by various artists in and around the K77 Studio, a former squat with a small, inexpensive performance space/rehearsal space. We will experience the pieces and moments from all sides and ...

Music Theater
Spoken Word Theater
Guided Tour


Tour Guide: KATHARINA SCHLENDER Friday, 16.06.2017, 16:4522:00, Duration ca. 315 Min.

Let’s take a minute and figure out where we are. POCO-Domäne. Condition: public. Two people are buying a bed for themselves. One where they be without shoes and very private, but then there’s a fight and suddenly the innermost feelings are brought into motion. Our reaction to this? We try to become private. Spinach dumplings versus Königsberger meatballs. Let’s indulge ...

Spoken Word Theater
Guided Tour

Tour 9: Beyond the Borders

Tour Guide: JANETTE MICKAN Saturday, 17.06.2017, 14:3021:45, Duration ca. 435 Min.

Independent theater in Berlin takes a look outside of its box and brings together artists working in very different genres: visual art, dance, science, music, light design and sound design meet classic spoken word theater. On this tour, we will wander along this border, if we remain spatially in the former East Berlin. We start with Prinzip Gonzo, a group ...

Guided Tour

Tour 10: SEX SELLS

Tour Guide: ANNA K. BECKER Saturday, 17.06.2017, 16:4522:00, Duration ca. 315 Min.

We will visit three formats that deal with the public presentation of gender and (female) bodies from three very different perspectives. First of all, strategies for making an intersex identity visible will be explored in mixed me - EinMenschShow. After this, Mira Fuchs will explore performative intimacy by sharing the fragmented memories of a stripper’s body with us. Finally, we ...

Spoken Word Theater
Guided Tour

Tour 11: Something Worth Laughing About

Tour Guide: GEORG CARSTENS Saturday, 17.06.2017, 16:4522:45, Duration ca. 360 Min.

There are almost no events in this year’s festival that use terms like humor, comedy or joke to promote themselves. It seems like no one is willing to make any jokes about the political, sexual and material crises of our time. All the same, let’s set off on a stroll through the jungle of the comedic in the performing arts. ...

Spoken Word Theater
Guided Tour

Tour 12: Displaced Voices

Tour Guide: RICARDA CIONTOS Saturday, 17.06.2017, 16:4522:45, Duration ca. 360 Min.

Voice and identity are closely connected with each other. We believe that we can recognize the sound of our own voice very well, but do self-perception and external perception cancel each other out? The tour Displace Voices takes audience members along on a journey of sound and performance and presents three very different works that explore the topics of sound, ...

In Public Space
Guided Tour

Tour 13: The walking and water-Tour: city walk, walk water and ending near to the water.

Guided Tour for English Speakers by ANGELA DEUTSCH Sunday, 18.06.2017, 12:4521:30, Duration ca. 525 Min.

A diverse set of aesthetic experiences for the tour's guests by walking ourselves, ‚being' walked with the help of an unusual concert on stage and an experience of a solo physical-theater performance. We start with a performative city walk offered by the collective p.u.r.e. hopefully sharpening our senses towards different modes of awareness in the complex system of structures and ...