Spend a Day at the Festival Accompanied by an Artist from Berlin’s Independent Performing Arts Community
Members of Berlin’s independent performing arts community become guides during the festival who select their very own personal highlights from the broad array of festival programming and invite audience members to set off with them on a journey of discovery throughout the festival. Tours will include an average of three productions. In addition, audience members have the opportunity to talk about and discuss what they have seen and Berlin’s independent performing arts community within the group. A variety of artists invites audience members to participate in a total of 13 tours throughout the week of the festival.
Admission to the various performances is included in the ticket price of the tours. The travel between the performance venues will be conducted on public transportation. Public transportation tickets are not included in the price.
Tour 11: Something Worth Laughing About
There are almost no events in this year’s festival that use terms like humor, comedy or joke to promote themselves. It seems like no one is willing to make any jokes about the political, sexual and material crises of our time. All the same, let’s set off on a stroll through the jungle of the comedic in the performing arts. What do we laugh about? Why? Does this change our view of the world or is humor merely superficial? Can laughing constitute a political act?
Meeting place 4:45 pm ? Advertising column near the entrance to Mauerpark, Bernauer Straße, intersection with Oderberger Straße, Prenzlauer Berg, 10437 Berlin
Sat., | 17.06, | 17:00 – 17:40: | | Halbe Stunde Sound (Anouk Kaiser Karl) – Live performance Mauerpark, Eberswalder Str. / Höhe Oderbergerstraße / Schwedterstraße, Prenzlauer Berg |
Sat., | 17.06, | 19:00 – 19:40: | | »Richtung Dschörmannie« Evening 3: Prose (ProtokollB) – »Brown« Club der polnischen Versager, Ackerstraße 168, Mitte |
Sat., | 17.06, | 21:30 – 22:45: | | Bahnwärter Thiel (Büro Steinheimer) – by Gerhart Hauptmann Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstr. 44, Mitte |
Für alle Teilnehmer*innen und Gäste des Performing Arts Festivals. Teil des Erschließungsprogramms von und mit dem Team des Performing Arts Festivals.
Mauerpark, Eberswalder Str. / Höhe Oderbergerstraße / Schwedterstraße, Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 Berlin