Spoken Word Theater

»Richtung Dschörmannie« Evening 2: Dramatic (ProtokollB)


The theatre collective Protokoll B organises, together with a lot of guests, a theatrical literature slam evening within the PAF 2017. We want to create a meeting place in our favourite venue Der Club der Polnischen Versager, where we hold our regular network parties, and invite performance artists and audience from all over the world, to exchange moments, broaden our minds, enrich our souls and maybe learn something new about this new Old Country Germany and this strange new Old Language German. All writers were born outside of Germany but write in German or about their newly chosen land. They’ve had to adopt this language, had to assimilate it, acquire, embrace, incorporate it. They give Germany a fresh look at itself.

Evening 2: A wrecked fizzy scarred family history on war, love and stars

Price: 9 €, ermäßigt 7 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
Premiere. The authors are present. Public conversation is possible.
ca. 75 Min.
Club der polnischen Versager, Ackerstraße 168, Mitte, 10115 Berlin


Author: Richard Gonlag
Direction: Alexander Grams
Assistance: Dürten Thielk, Maike Specht (a.G.), Rasmus Max Wirth (a.G.), René Erler (a.G.), Richard Gonlag, Verena marie Kahler (a.G.)


» ProtokollB

Venue Info:

» Club der polnischen Versager