Spoken Word Theater
Suitable for international audience

räuber in the box (Bridge Markland)

Friedrich Schiller's The Robbers for the pop music generation

Using puppetry and lip-syncing, Bridge Markland transforms Schiller's classic Sturm und Drang tragedy into a fast-paced, one woman show. Rebellion, envy, tragic love, stub-bornness, hero-worship and desperation are all themes of the play. Markland underscores Schiller's dramatic words with clips from 155 songs ranging from Wagner's “Ride of the Valkyries” to Lady Gaga's "Pokerface", from Ennio Morricone's hit "Once Upon a Time in the West" to the theme from "Dallas". Bridge Markland uses various puppets and dolls as her opponents including Ken and Barbie plus an original nutcracker from the DDR. Being an expert in gender switch, she plays eight men and one woman. Markland also created an English version of this play which she has toured in the US in-cluding Brown and Yale universities.

Price: 15 €
Ein deutscher Klassiker mit u.a. englischen Popsongs - für englischssprachige und internationale Gäste sehr geeignet.
ca. 120 Min.
Theater O-TonArt, Kulmer Str. 20a, Schöneberg, 10783 Berlin


Concept and Performance: Bridge Markland
Directed by Bridge Markland and Heike Gäßler


» Bridge Markland

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