Gespräch haben / Ohne Worte (Martin Clausen und Kollegen)
“Gespräch haben / Ohne Worte” (2014) is a collage of five different worlds of conversation. In the midst of a scenario made up of rounds of discussion and sales dialogues, Martin Clausen, Rahel Savoldelli and Peter Trabner celebrate formal and informal, functional and dysfunctional forms of communication. In doing so they become practiced in tragicomic approaches, in keeping and losing contact. When a conversation is no longer possible, when its methods seem used up, when mutual incomprehension, betrayals of trust, and defensiveness prevail, they continue the contact by other means. What follows are brawls, futile and more or less successful attempts at animating sleeping bodies, ordeals and contacts that range from the affectionate to the erotic. “Gespräch haben / Ohne Worte” is the second production by Martin Clausen und Kollegen and describes scenes that are beyond verbal explanation and that nonetheless communicate effectively. They defend the beauty of moments of not understanding with touching verve, dissecting the synchronicity of language and gesture and laying bare possible and impossible webs of relationships. They gladly dwell on the negative, consciously affirming states of non-interrogating, non-knowing and non-capacity as an indispensable part of interpersonal communication. A performance with musical elements from the musicians Doc Schoko, Mario Schulte and Harald Wissler.
HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3), Tempelhofer Ufer 10, Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin
Performance: Martin Clausen, Rahel Savoldelli, Peter Trabner
Music: Mario Schulte, Doc Schoko, Harald Wissler
Space/Objects: Ivan Bazak – Karpatentheater
Light: Benjamin Schälike
Costume: Lisa Kentner & Malena Modéer
Concept: Martin Clausen, Johannes Hock
Collaboration: Werner Waas, Mia Sellmann
Production & Press: björn & björn
Production: Martin Clausen und Kollegen. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.