
Don't hope (Martin Clausen und Kollegen)

The phrase “Don’t hope” can be understood as a call, against our civilised custom in the present, to grant greater significance to what has been achieved, and ultimately is in the past, than to the future, the planned. Four performers initiate a group dynamic process. In preparation for the first production by Martin Clausen und Kollegen (2013), the protagonists – Johannes Dullin, Johannes Hock, Peter Trabner, Martin Clausen – spoke with the mentally disturbed, the almost-disturbed, and the non-disturbed, as if there were no differences among them. Is it possible to respond to disappointments or rejections with reactive patterns that are not solely based on imitating behavioral patterns? The musicians Doc Schoko, Mario Schulte and Harald Wissler accompany the performers, slowly merging into a group in the following productions. They act in the hope of finding a quite personal form of intelligence for such situations. Can this result in a better society, a better “ego”? They continue to make demands on one another until it all becomes too much. Their well-trained techniques in perseverance fail them. In the end, desperation seems to be the simplest way out.

Price: 15 €, ermäßigt 10 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
ca. 70 Min.
HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3), Tempelhofer Ufer 10, Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


Performance: Martin Clausen, Johannes Dullin, Johannes Hock, Peter Trabner
Music: Doc Schoko, Mario Schulte, Harald Wissler
Space and Objects: Ivan Bazak - Karpatentheater
Concept: Martin Clausen
Light: Benjamin Schälike
Costumes: Anna-Lisa Kentner, Malena Modéer
Assistance: Leonie Rodrian, Werner Waas
Press & Production: björn & björn

Production: Martin Clausen. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Fonds Darstellende Künste.


» Martin Clausen und Kollegen

Venue Info:

» HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)