
Come Together (Martin Clausen und Kollegen)

In their third piece at HAU Hebbel am Ufer, “Come Together,” (2015) people from various social “spheres”, people with very large economic differences that prefer to hang out in eateries, were asked to encounter one another. The seven-hour long encounter, along with more discussions with farmers, millionaires, former petty criminals as well as discussions within the group, served as the main source at the level of text. A normal evening under abnormal circumstances, of company and disguised social enmity. The performers Martin Clausen, Rahel Savoldelli and Peter Trabner and the musicians Mario Schulte, Doc Schoko and Harald Wissler let worlds collide. Whether efficient, unempathetic, nouveau riche or unteachable–the ludicrous everyday dialogues form a fertile breeding ground from which analyses of modern civilization sprout, and where music and choreography can come together in productive ways.

Price: 15 €, ermäßigt 10 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
ca. 75 Min.
HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3), Tempelhofer Ufer 10, Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


Performance: Martin Clausen, Rahel Savoldelli, Peter Trabner
Music: Mario Schulte, Doc Schoko, Harald Wissler
Space: Ivan Bazak – Karpatentheater
Lighting: Benjamin Schälike
Costumes: Lisa Kentner & Malena Modéer
Concept and Direction: Martin Clausen
Collaboration: Javier Aléman, Philip Ellermann, Werner Waas, Mirko Winkel, Tereza-Tetiana Yakovyna
Production and PR: björn & björn

Production: Martin Clausen und Kollegen. Co-Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by the Capital Culture Fund.


» Martin Clausen und Kollegen

Venue Info:

» HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)