Explore the Festival with Artists from Berlin’s Independent Performing Arts Community at Your Side!
Guided Tours Through the Performing Arts Festival
Members of Berlin’s independent performing arts community become guides during the festival who select their very own personal highlights from the broad array of festival programming and invite audience members to set off with them on a journey of discovery throughout the festival. A tour will generally be made up of three productions and features the opportunity to discuss the work you see as well as Berlin’s independent performing arts community.
The admission tickets are included in the price of the tour and will be handed out by the tour guide. The travel between the performance venues will be conducted on public transportation. BVG (public transportation) tickets are NOT included in the price of the tour.
Minimum number of participants: 5 persons
Tour 1 In German!
"In die Nacht mit…" Steffen Klewar (copy & waste)
Friday, May 27, 5:45 - 11:00 pm
6:00 pm: DESERTIEREN, Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen
8:00 pm: ELEGY FOR TELEVISION (Holle / Nguyen / Rebgetz / Wolf), HAU – Hebbel am Ufer
11:00 pm: HAUEN UND STECHEN, (Lwowski•Kronfoth•Musiktheaterkollektiv), 8TH Floor Greenhouse Berlin
Meeting Point: 5:45 pm, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen
Tour 2 In German!
Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft – ein Querschnitt durch Theater und Zeit mit Sabrina Strehl
Friday, May 27, 6:45 – 11:30 pm
7:00 pm: WHY DON`T YOU / MAKE UP YOUR MIND, Shai Faran, Dock 11
8:00 pm: HEIMLICHES BERLIN, Daniel Schrader, Ballhaus Ost
11:00 pm: LIFENET, post theater, Theaterdiscounter
Meeting Point: 6:45 pm, Dock 11
Tour 3 In German!
„self-expression-tour" mit Anna K. Becker (bigNOTWENDIGKEIT)
Saturday, May 28, 3:45 - 10.30 pm
4:00 pm: ALL TAG, Max Howitz, Privatwohnung im Prenzlauer Berg
6:00 pm: MAP SERIES, Ana Mendes, Errant Bodies
8:30 pm: WESTERN SOCIETY, Gob Squad, HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Meeting Point: 3:45 Uhr, in front of Atopia Kaffeehaus, Prenzlauer Allee 187, 10405 Berlin
Tour 4 For English speakers!
The post-personal tour with Ariel Efraim Ashbel
Saturday, May 28, 3:45 – 11:45 Uhr
4:00 pm: PRINT (ed)IT & more), LAVAMOVER Contemporary Dance Company, Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
7:00 pm: ELEGY FOR TELEVISION, (Holle / Nguyen / Rebgetz / Wolf), Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 3
9:30 pm: EXODUS, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt and Andreas Liebmann, Sophiensæle
Meeting place: 3:45 pm, Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
Tour 5 In German!
„Experiment und Klassisches“ mit Elisa Müller (Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus)
Saturday, May 28, 4:45 – 11.30 pm
5:00 pm: intermezzo_________gemelos2000 & guests, HAPPENING_Tag1, _______gemelos2000______ & guests, Installation, Projektraum Ventilator 24
8:00 pm: DIE LEIDEN DER JUNGEN WÖRTER, vorschlag:hammer, Ballhaus Ost
9:30 pm: EXODUS, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt + Andreas Liebmann
Performance-Konzert, Sophiensæle
Meeting Point: 4.45 pm, Katzbachstr. 24, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Tour 6 For English speakers!
The second post-personal tour with Ariel Efraim Ashbel
Sunday, May 29, 1:15 – 9:15 pm
1:30 pm: ÉCOLEFLÂNEURS, ÉCOLEFLÂNEURS, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen
4:00 pm: ALL TAG, Max Howitz, private Apartment Prenzlauer Berg
8:00 pm: EXODUS, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt and Andreas Liebmann, Sophiensæle
Meeting Point: 1:15 pm, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen
Tour 7 In German!
„Sunday evening corporeality" Steffen Klewar (copy & waste)
Sunday, May 29, 5:45 – 11:00 pm
6:00 pm: HEARTS IV, Martha Hincapié Charry, URBANRAUM
8:00 pm: GOTTLOS, Siciliano Contemporary Ballet, Ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi
9:30 Uhr: Variety Café Berlin, K77 Open Stage, K77 Studio
Meeting Point: 5:45 pm, Mittelinsel Hermannplatz
We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the guidede tours via email at touren(at)
Specific information about prices and booking can be found in the descriptions of the respective event.