Music Theater
Suitable for International Audiences

Exodus (Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt + Andreas Liebmann)


A Swiss-Danish family travels to Sicily. They visit a house in the mountains called Mondo Nuevo. This is the provisional home of nine Nigerian men, who are recovering from a boat trip and waiting for documents. The north-European guests and the inhabitants exchange songs for songs, stories for stories and establish temporary friendship. Time is killed with ping-pong.
EXODUS is a performance concert by and with family Liebmann-Schmidt. Their tale of the new Europeans deals with concrete encounters, and stories exchanged between travelers from North and South. Inspired by medieval tradition, the tale is sung on the melody of the Danish ballad “Kongebørnene”, and refers to a valley on the other side of the mountains – a place so far away that the audience has to trust what they are told.

Phone: (030) 283 52 66
Price: 14 €, 9 €ermäßigt (ggf zzgl VV Gebühr)
Mixed languages (German/English), mainly English.
ca. 75 Min.
ca. 75 Min.
Sophiensæle, Sophienstraße 18, Mitte, 10178 Berlin
Rollstuhlfahrende und Gehbehinderte möchten wir bitten, sich im Vorfeld bei uns anzumelden.


Konzept, Performance: Andreas Liebmann, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt
Bühne, Kostüme: Manuel Gerst
Kostümmitarbeit: Lena Buchwald
Musik: Matthias Meppelink
Lichtdesign: Annegret Schalke
Dramaturgie: Tanja Diers
Produktion: Annett Hardegen
Choreografische Beratung: Tiaheswery Thiaharaja
Gesangschoaching: Johanna Peine
Illustration, Grafik: Marie-Louise Andersson

Dank an: Collins Amaubi, Clement Anayo, Simone Bianca, Lykke Hvass Borello, Christian Chucks, Fortælle Galleriet, Ingrid Hvass, Princly O. Izogie, Michael John, Igi Ihoezor Joseph, Johanna-Yassira Kluhs, Sebastian König, Christiane Kretschmer, Paul Osobose, Patrick Oynebuchi, Okunhon Pleasure, Podewil, Sahar Rahimi, Verdiana di Rosa, Ballhaus Ost und Uferstudios GmbH
In Koproduktion mit Sort/Hvid Kopenhagen, Vierte Welt Berlin, Skogen Göteborg, Rote Fabrik Zürich und Nordwind Festival.

Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds, des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten und der Danish Arts Foundation.


» Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt + Andreas Liebmann

Venue Info:

» Sophiensæle