Elegy for Television (Holle / Nguyen / Rebgetz / Wolf)
According to serious prognoses, the television will have disappeared from households by the end of the coming century. The so-called ‘cord cutting revolution‘ describes the phenomenon of the rapid worldwide decline in subscribers to stations broadcast by cable and satellite. The global expansion of video streaming releases consumption and demand from the time constraints of TV programmes. Dauntlessly, the performers Fabian Holle, Baly Nguyen, Damian Rebgetz, and Melanie Jame Wolf intone the “Elegy for Television”. In a mosaic of re-enactments, they look into the ritual of the Television Age, the lost moments of community, the synchronization of neighborhoods and nations, zapping through individual and collective memories.
HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3), Tempelhofer Ufer 10, Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin
Performance: Fabian Holle, Baly Nguyen, Damian Rebgetz, Melanie Jame Wolf
Video: Benjamin Krieg
Bühne / Kostüme: Belle Santos
Dramaturgie: Rachel Spötter
Assistenz: Hannah Saar
Hospitant: Lara Scherrieble
Künstlerische Beratung: Sharon Smith
Produktion: björn & björn
Production: Damian Rebgetz.
Coproduction: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Münchner Kammerspiele, Gessnerallee Zürich.
Supported by PLATFORM München.
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.