HEARTS IV ♥ (Martha Hincapié Charry)
For - HEARTS IV ♥ - Martha Hincapié Charry, choreographer and performer from Colombia, wants to reunite a group of professional dancers and choregraphers in Urbanraum to meet in an intimate and close dialogue with the public, followed by an open air physical encounter where they will make, through movement, a reflection about their bodies and their actual state.
Artists put their hearts in what they do and certainly would prefer to work hard in their field but huge porcentaje of dancers and choreographers based in Berlin see themselves forced to apply to the Hartz IV support offered by the German government to cover the basic surviving kit.
Bodies are not stable entities, neither the world we are living in.
– HEARTS IV ♥ – wants to open spaces for subjective notions about the relationship between self, society and body, looking to assess politics in regards to identity and action, constituting a human community.
URBANRAUM, Urbanstraße 93, 1. Hinterhof, 10967 Berlin
By and with: Martha Hincapié Charry – Perferic Berlin/Bogotá, and following dancers, performers and choreographers based in Berlin:
Tatiana Mejia
Emily Jeffries
Jennifer Ocampo
Viviana Defazio
Alessandra Defazio
Rossella Canciello
Paula Montecinos
Lola Lustosa
Daniela Lucato
Tiago Bertholo
Maria Sanchez Alonso
Diego Alejandro Puerto