FAQs for the 2019 newcomer’s platform Introducing…
Who can apply to participate in Introducing…?
Applications are welcome from artists, artist groups and collectives whose work is based in Berlin and who are newcomers to the community. Direct contacts to Berlin’s independent performing arts community should already exist. In general, applicants should have completed their studies or training and/or began to work professionally no more than three years ago.
How do I apply?
Applications can only be made using the PDF application form.
The application form is available online and must be completed and submitted to the following email address by January 15, 2019: nachwuchsplattform(at)performingartsfestival.de
What work do I apply with?
In general, artists, groups of artists and collectives who are newcomers to Berlin’s independent performing arts community apply with finished productions/formats in the field of the independent performing arts: spoken word theater, performance, music theater, dance, figure and object theater, children’s and youth theater, et cetera, as well as interdisciplinary work that is also part of the performing arts.
Please do bear in mind that the technical options within the performance venues provided are limited, as is the time available for load-in and tech. Technically complex productions and formats that require an extensive load-in time correspondingly cannot be taken into consideration. We expressly recommend applying with works that are simple from a technical and organizational perspective – and, at the same time, you are welcome to submit complex work.
What does the newcomer’s platform Introducing… offer?
The newcomer’s platform offers young artists, artist groups and collectives the opportunity to present themselves to a (professional) audience within the scope of the festival. In addition, Introducing… also sees itself as a platform for inviting the participants to network and exchange with other artists, performance venues, dramaturgs and industry professionals. This is why we invite the selected participants to take part in additional internal formats (e.g. workshops, conversations with critics, advisement sessions) as well as to all of the other events held during the festival. You are welcome to provide suggestions for the topics addressed in workshops or discussion formats in your application form.
Can I apply simultaneously to all three components of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival (open submissions, Berlin Diagonale, Introducing…)?
A production can only be presented as part of the newcomer’s platform or as part of the open submissions, but not both. The participation in Berlin Diagonale – Show Camp can be combined with your participation in the newcomer’s platform or in the open submissions.
Who selects the work?
The applications will be reviewed by the coordinator of the newcomer’s platform and the artistic leadership of the cooperating performance venues. The final selection will be made by the cooperating performance venues together with the Festival Director in the middle of February.
When will I be informed whether my production was selected?
The decisions will be announced by the middle of March 2019, at the latest.
How many times will my production be presented?
In general, each production will be presented once (this will vary for work in the form of an installation or similar format). All artists, artist groups and collectives participating in the newcomer’s platform are, in addition to the presentation of their production, are required to take part in the workshops and exchange programs offered. This is why attendance during the entire festival is mandatory.
Which expenses are covered?
The Performing Arts Festival will pay a performance fee to the selected artists, artist groups and collectives as well as additional participants for the productions presented as part of the newcomer's platform (the fee is based on the size of the group or the number of participants). Costs for necessary travel and transportation may be able to be covered in exceptional cases and this require prior communication and coordination. The cooperating performance venues cover the expenses for the space and basis technical support, as well as front of house and technical services during the performance.
Who organizes the festival?
The newcomer’s platform Introducing… is an event created and realized by the Berlin Performing Arts Festival.
The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is an event shared between all independent performance venues, groups and artists working in Berlin, the independent performing arts community. The community is responsible for the festival artistically and organizationally. The festival is presented by LAFT Berlin in cooperation with the performance venues Ballhaus Ost, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Sophiensæle and Theaterdiscounter. The festival coordination team works for LAFT Berlin. It centrally promotes the festival and the participating productions, both within Berlin and internationally.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Performing Arts Festival team.
Newcomer’s Platform: Felizitas Stilleke