LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW (Melody Pasanideh und Jos Porath)
Unafraid to address one of the most important topics of our time, climate change, as a stellar business opportunity, the fictitious start-up Climate Corporations spotlight the lucrative potential of global catastrophe and milk it. Their “climate parties” offer an attractive combination of pre-apocalyptic hedonism, club culture and an “affirmative approach to disaster“.
2. OG in der Alten Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, Mitte, 10179 Berlin
Concept, Direction, Dramaturgy: Melody Pasanideh, Jos Porath
Szenography: Melody Pasanideh, Jos Porath
Video: Harvey Rabbit mit Melody Pasanideh und Jos Porath
Sound: Lilian Polosek
Technique: Martin Heise mit Melody Pasanideh und Jos Porath
Photography: Elena Peters
Performance: Anne Fidler, Martin Heise, Leo Mandel, Melody Pasanideh, Lilian Polo, Jos Porath, Ffion Harman, Omid Tabari, Laurean Wagner, Julian Weixlbaumer, Celine Yildrim