#Spoken Word Theater
#Suitable for english audience

KASPAR von Peter Handke (Barletti/Waas)

A speaking torture

Can a human being be brought to identity through speaking? In the beginning, Kaspar is an autistic being with an immediate and infinite relationship with everything that surrounds him. At the end, Kaspar is brought to reality and he also knows what he has lost in this process. The play shows how somebody can be brought to speak through speaking. 

Price: 12 €, ermäßigt 8 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
ca. 95 Min.
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstr. 44, Mitte, 10179 Berlin
BVG: U-Klosterstraße or S+U Alexanderplatz and U+S Jannowitzbrücke + 5 minutes by foot. Unfortunately, we can only accept payments in cash. Note on accessibility: we ask our guests to contact us in advance to clarify any questions of accessibility.
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


Direction, acting, production: Lea Barletti
Direction, acting, production: Werner Waas
Music, surtitles: Harald Wissler.
Outside eye: Iacopo Fulgi

Eine Koproduktion mit dem ItzBerlin e.V. mit dem TD


» Barletti/Waas

Venue Info:

» Theaterdiscounter