#Specialist Audience
#Suitable for english audience

ExChange (Jana Grünewald (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland), Johanna Bauer (Distribution und Marketing, Performing Arts Programm Berlin))

Exchange Format of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD) and the Berlin Performing Arts Program (PAP)

In German.

During the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and the LAFT Berlin Performing Arts Program invite international production managers, producers, managers and artistic directors to exchange and network over a drink. In addition, Jana Grünewald (DTD) and Johanna Bauer (PAP) will provide details on additional networking formats, especially the International Meeting of Independent Performing Arts Producers in September 2018 in Barcelona/Terrassa, hosted in collaboration with Catalan Arts - ICEC (Berlin Office) and TNTFestival.
Free admission. We kindly ask for registration at: fachpublikum(at)performingarts-festival.de.

Price: Eintritt frei
ca. 60 Min.
aquarium: Festivalzentrum, Skalitzer Straße 6, Kreuzberg, 10999 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


For all participants and guests of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival.
Part of the ancillary program conceived and developed by the Performing Arts Festival team in cooperation with Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and the Berlin Performing Arts Program.

Venue Info:

» aquarium: Festivalzentrum