Es wird einmal... (Sisyphos, der Flugelefant)
A legend tells of a distant land of peace, happiness and freedom, in which individual wants and social solidarity coexist. The map leading to this place was torn apart, the pieces scattered. Since then people have wandered helplessly, searching.In a former hotel high over the roofs of Kreuzberg, a portal opens into the long-forgotten world of the legend. Where are the real pieces of the map? What is burning in the fireplace? Who is telling the truth? Where is the key, and what kind of world is hiding behind the locked door?
The performance location is accessible for persons with motor impairments. There are, however, no barrier-free bathroom facilities.
ZUsammenKUNFT, Stresemannstrasse 95/97, Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin
ZUsammenKUNFT is located within an initial reception center and all visitors must present a photo ID for admission due to security reasons.
Artistic Director: Chang Nai Wen
Music Producer: Michael Tibes
Scenographer & Dramaturg: Ute Lindenbeck
Writer: Mathilda Onur
Puppeteer: Iduna Hegen
Dancer: Michael(e) Daoud
Actress: Astrid Köhler
Animator: Raffaele Acquaviva
Illustrator: Naser Fathi
Lighting Designer: Kamil Rohde
Game development consultant: Simon Bielman
Stage Manager: Michaela Millar
Production Manager: Francesca Spisto
Dramaturgical Assistant: Claudia Rothenbühler
Apprentice: Hayley Glickfeld Bielman
PR: Barbara Gstaltmayr
Graphic Designer: Liselotte Werthenbruch
Video: Pierre Fromentin
“Once Upon Tomorrow…” is a production by Sisyphos, der Flugelefant (SdF) funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. In cooperation with ZUsammenKUNFT, Theater O.N. and PAF* – The 2018 Berlin Performing Arts Festival (June 05 -10, 2018).