Das Konzept bin ich (i can be your translator)

 »For the Nazis, euthanasia meant dying easily.For us, euthanasia means mourning.Because a lot of people die.We’re agreed on that.
But: Some of us wanted tanks on stage. Some of us wanted to tell jokes for exactly one hour. Some of us wanted to sing a Zarah Leander song.« The Nazis cynically used euthanasia, the idea of a light and easy death, to refer to their systematic murder of individuals who did not correspond to the received norms of health and productivity. Over the course of a year, the group I can be your translator has researched the historical facts and ideological justifications of these murders, traveled to monuments and memorials, confronted themselves and come to terms with their own emotions. In Das Konzept bin ich (I Am the Concept), they ask how to deal with the topic euthanasia on stage – they explore the topic performatively, create quiet moments of remembrance and mourning as well as strong moments of rejoinders. I can be your translated premiered Das Konzept bin ich (I Am the Concept) in September 2018 during the FAVORITEN festival and was awarded the GROUND SUPPORT prize.
This production was presented at the FAVORITEN festival (Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia)
With their work Das Konzept bin ich (I Am the Concept), the group i can be your translator takes a double risk: first of all, they have posed themselves a difficult topic and, secondly, by seriously attempting to realize a collective and equal working process as a mixed ability group. We were impressed and touched by their coming to terms with the subject, the equal space provided for communal mourning and thinking and their ability to nevertheless always find their way back, in a very humorous manner, to the here and now of the group process and making music together.Excerpt from the statement by the jury for the 2018 FAVORITEN festival

Phone: 030 440 391 68
Price: 13 €, ermäßigt 8 €
ca. 90 Min.
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, Prenzlauer Berg, 10437 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


With: Lis Marie Diehl, Linda Fisahn, Christian Fleck, Julia Hülsken, Lina Jung, Bastian Ostermann, Christoph Rodatz, Christian Schöttelndreier, Laurens Wältken Dramaturgy: Kathrin Eckhoff, Philipp Schulte
Lightning, Set Design: Birk-André Hildebrandt
Costumes: Julia Strauß
Video: Carsten Schecker, Björn Nienhuys
Video documentation: Annika Falkenberg
Production Management: Helene Ewert
Assistance: Line Klein

A production by i can be your hero. The guest performance from North Rhine-Westphalia has been possible by the NRW State Office of the Independent Performing Arts and the NWR Ministry for Culture and Science.
PAF&friends is an initiative of the association of regional performing arts festivals, consisting of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, 6 Tage frei (Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg), Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg), RODEO (Munich), FAVORITE (Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia) and is realized in collaboration with Ballhaus Ost Berlin.
The schedule of ancillary programming of PAF&friends has been made possible by the Berlin Performing Arts Festival in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is organized by LAFT – Landsverband freie Darstellende Künste and is funded by the State of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Europe.


» i can be your translator

Venue Info:

» Ballhaus Ost