Berlin Performing Arts Festival
Zentral Telefon: +49 30 303 466 28
Fax: +49 30 33 84 54 53
Office at Ballhaus Ost:
Pappelallee 15
10437 Berlin
Press Contact
We are very pleased by your interest in PAF&friends. We are happy to provide you with additional information and images upon request.
Björn Frers & Talea Schuré - björn & björn
Telephone: +49 (0)30 - 53 79 61 69
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Instagram: @pafberlin
Twitter: @PAFBerlin
Facebook: @PerformingArtsFestivalBerlin
More About Us
The legal entity LAFT Berlin – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e.V. (State Association for the Independent Performing Arts)– represents the interests and needs of the professional independent performing arts community of Berlin in dealing with politicians and the public.
Since 2013, the Berlin Performing Arts Program has worked to serve all independent dance and theater makers in Berlin and works to professionalize, strengthen the infrastructure and improve the visibility of the independent performing arts community.
Berlin Diagonale is a presentation platform for Berlin's independent performing arts community. Since 2013, it has offered visiting industry professionals guided tours throughout the community during major festivals in Berlin.
Since 2017, the Space Coordination Team for the Independent Performing Arts Community has worked to confront the scarcity of working spaces in Berlin. In doing so, it works closely with the interdisciplinary Spaces Task Force of the Coalition of the Independent Arts, Gesellschaft für Stadtentwicklung GSE (Company for Urban Development) and the Berlin Senate's Department for Culture and Europe.