WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? (Anna McCarthy, Manuela Rzytki)

WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? is a musical collaborative project between musician and producer Manuela Rzytki and artist Anna McCarthy. The title stems from a publication and exhibition by McCarthy and lays the foundation for the content and lyrics of the project. Rooted deeply in the methods of hip-hop, the music is based on a loop principle, with live synthesizer played by Rzytki; firing off of pre-produced samples and live improvised vocals by both McCarthy and Rzytki. McCarthy narrates the show, infusing synaesthetic manipulation with humorous, aggressive, sexy and loving nursery rhyme lyrics that confront the audience with the age-old question WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? Stories from Mystery Meat to People-killing Pizza Machines, Collectively dreaming of Drones and Bring Back the Dirt anthems, it’s all in there. It’s probably not child-friendly, but it is for the kids, because you are all kids and this is a big old kindergarten revolving in circles, around and around and around.

Phone: 030 440 391 68
Price: 15 €, ermäßigt 10 €
combi ticket »Restructuring« & »WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR?«
ca. 45 Min.
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, Prenzlauer Berg, 10437 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


Text and Lead Vocals by Anna McCarthy
Music and Vocals by Manuela Rzytki
Dance by Paulina Nolte, Francois Huber
Vocals by KÖSK Chor

A production by Anna McCarthy and Manuela Rzytki. The guest performance from Munich has been possible by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich.
PAF&friends is an initiative of the association of regional performing arts festivals, consisting of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival, 6 Tage frei (Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg), Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg), RODEO (Munich), FAVORITE (Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia) and is realized in collaboration with Ballhaus Ost Berlin.


» Manuela Rzytki

Venue Info:

» Ballhaus Ost