Newcomer’s Platform

TOODRYTOCRY (Sanierte Altbauten)

TOODRYTOCRY is a theatre-performance and the result of a 2016 residency at Theaterhaus Hildesheim. It examines the connection between femininity and fluids, which are historically perceived to be dangerous or threatening, and demonstrates their impact on the concepts of the “Volkskörper” (racial corpus) and the masculine soldier.
A significant part of the performance are the mythological representations of women like nymphs, sirens, mermaids and other archetypes that connect femininity and water. Metaphors of floods, torrents, swamps and waves are often used to simultaneously discredit and feminize an enemy that is perceived to endanger a masculine national corpus or rather the construction of it.
Moving between two separate planes of representation, the two female performers place their own bodies at the centre, transforming them into the intersection of labels and ascriptions. They take on the roles of mermaids and marble statues, explore body images and reduce them to absurdity. TOODRYTOCRY follows two previous performances focussing on the mechanisms of collective distinction.

In the context of Introducing - the Newcomer's Platform of Performing Arts Festival Berlin.

Price: 12 €, ermäßigt 8 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
Mit BEACH BIRDS: 16 €, ermäßigt 12 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
Visitors interested in the Introducing series can purchased a discounted combination ticket for all performances in the series.
ca. 60 Min.
Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15, Prenzlauer Berg, 10437 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)


Concept and Performance: Eva Hintermeier, Sarah Kindermann
Lighting Design and Dramaturg: Insa Peters

Funded by Culture Office Hildesheim Friedrich Weinhagen Stiftung; StuPa University Hildesheim; Institute for media, Theater and popular Culture of the University Hildesheim


» Sanierte Altbauten

Venue Info:

» Ballhaus Ost