Newcomer’s Platform
Suitable for international audience


A hug is a daily mutual choreography with many uncertainties. Five performers throw themselves into various forms of hugs which don’t always
mean what was intended.
Instructions for friends – level of difficulty: easy:
1 Look at each other and possibly smile
2 Possibly open your arms slightly to prepare yourself mentally
3 Approach each other and put your arms around each other's neck, waist or hips*
4 Head is slightly tilted towards the left side, towards the right shoulder of the partner
5 Press yourselves to one another
6 Stop the body contact before you feel uncomfortable*
* (The position of the arms and the duration of the hug depends on the degree of friendship)

In the context of Introducing - the Newcomer's Platform of Performing Arts Festival Berlin.

Price: 12 €, ermäßigt 8 € (ggf. zzgl. VVK Gebühr)
double feature with Don't Go For Second Best, Baby! Visitors interested in the Introducing series can purchased a discounted combination ticket for all performances in the series.
ca. 90 Min.
Sophiensæle, Sophienstraße 18, Mitte, 10178 Berlin
Wheelchair accessible (Information provided by the organisers.)

Rollstuhlfahrende und Gehbehinderte möchten wir bitten, sich im Vorfeld bei uns anzumelden.


Concept & Choreography: Anna Aristarkhova
Development & performance: Emma Tricard/LuluObermayer, Anna Fingerhuth, Grete Smitaite/Simone Gisela Weber, Yuya Fujinami, Jonas Maria Droste/Jan Rozman
Music: "Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper" von Dream Theatre (bearbeitet von Ferdinand Breil), Sonata "Al Santo Sepolcro": II. Allegro ma poco von Antonio Vivaldi, "Silhouette" von Kenny G, „Love Scene Version 6“ von Pink Floyd
Dramaturgy: Sandra Umathum /Isabel Gatzke/Jan Willem Dreier
Costume: Anna Philippa Müller/ Lee Méir
Lighting Design: Gretchen Blegen
Photos/Videos/Muse: Philipp Weinrich

In Co-production with Sophiensaelen, HZT Berlin and Uferstudios GmbH / Life Long Burning Kulturprogramm der Europäischen Union. Funded by SENATE Department for Culture and Europe Department of Culture.
Thanks to Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes for the kind support.

OBNIMASHKI is part of the master graduation work of Anna Aristarkhova at HZT (Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz) Berlin


Venue Info:

» Sophiensæle